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IMG 2620


Art and Craft

Our artists paint, draw, sculpt and print with a range of media, often referring to seasonal themes inspired by the outside spaces around us. Developing creative skills and personal expression, this workshop provides imaginative support in a creative setting.

We work together to produce a range of attractive collaborative items for sale including greeting cards and calendars as well as those pieces created by our individual artists and makers. 

What you will learn

  • Painting and drawing 
  • Basic printmaking 
  • 3D modelling and casting
  • Finishing artwork to a high standard including presenting and labelling artwork ready for sale
Art edit

Cooking and Life Skills 

Our Cooking and Life Skills workshops focuses on developing essential skills that contribute to personal growth, independent living skills, effective communication and overall well-being. The workshops also cover a variety of topics including "the world around me", "looking after myself" and "my life, my future".

What you will learn

  • How to prepare, cook and bake simple, healthy and nutritious meals
  • Health and hygiene in the kitchen
  • The importance of nutrition and a healthy diet
  • Independent living skills including budget management, diversity, equality and citizenship, online and community safety
  • Thornage and Camphill Community festivals and celebrations

Current Affairs 

Our current affairs workshop provides individuals with the opportunity to help make sense of the news that we are exposed to in a safe, supportive environment. We look at international, national, local and Thornage-community news to get a balance of events going on that impact our environment. This workshop also helps write and undertake interviews and photography as part of our Thornage Hall e-newsletter.

What you will learn

  • To improve communication, discussion and self-advocacy skills
  • News awareness and how to source and triangulate information on the internet
  • Improved spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Basic use of computer software and word processing
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Digital Skills

Digital Skills

The digital skills workshop is designed to provide essential IT skills to enhance independence and participation in today's digital world. The workshop will engage in a supportive and inclusive learning environment tailored to each individual's needs, and include opportunity to improve literacy and numeracy as well as communication and listening skills.

What you will learn

  • Basic use of computer software and word processing 
  • Internet navigation and how to safely source information
  • Improved spelling, punctuation and grammar


Step into the heart of our farm, where the dedicated hands of our farm team craft more than just a livelihood – they cultivate a way of life. At our farm workshop, the responsibilities of our team extend beyond the barns by caring for our red poll cattle, alpacas, and hens.

What you will learn

  • Hands on animal care
  • Growing field crops such as carrots, potatoes and fodder beet
  • Training on machinery such as the push mower, ride-on lawn mower and tractors
  • Working as a team to achieve tasks and learn to support each other
  • The importance of caring for the environment in which we live, learn and work
Farm tractor
Veg Box Veganuary


In the garden we aim to provide the community with a wide range of fruit and vegetables. Any excess provides produce to local shops, restaurants and our vegetable box scheme.

What you will learn

  • Practical skills like sowing seeds, weeding and harvesting 
  • Where food comes from and the importance of the natural environment around us 
  • How to procure and prepare produce for sale 

Herb Processing 

The herb workshop is catered to various learning styles ensuring that each service user can fully immerse themselves in the experience. A hands on workshop to learn about nature and producing herb based products. 

What you will learn

  • The properties, history and uses of a variety of different herbs grown here at Thornage Hall
  • The importance of processing herbs in a clean, hygienic and safe manner to produce a finished item ready to sell
  • How to plant and maintain a herb garden to provide a variety of year-round plants and companion plants, both good for our own health and the natural environment
  • How to make infused oils, teas and other culinary products, in partnership with and benefiting our cooking and textiles workshops
Herbs group edit
Singing group 2

Music, movement and drama

In the music, movement and drama workshop, we deliver music-based therapeutic sessions promoting musicality through instruments, singing and rhythm. Our workshop develops a group of known and rehearsed songs to perform at Thornage festivals and events throughout the year.

What you will learn

  • To develop an enjoyment of singing, sing broadly in tune, develop sense of pulse and rhythm, and recognise rhythmic patterns
  • The importance of listening, respecting others and working together as a team to deliver group musical performances
  • Recognising instruments by their shape and sound, being able to name a range of instruments and talk about them, as well as learning how to play
  • The ability to persevere and practice - remembering lyrics, tune and rhythm week on week, striving to get better and work collectively

Physical Activity

In Physical activity workshops, individuals have the opportunity to partake in a variety of different sports and games in a safe and supported environment. Improved physical and mental health, coordination, motor skills, team work and communication are all developed through fun and engaging activities including kwik cricket, boccia, table tennis and archery. 

What you will learn

  • Physical skills including hand-eye co-ordination, dexterity and fine motor skills 
  • Improved health and wellbeing through low-level cardiovascular activity and community engagement
  • Communication, team work and perseverance
  • Numeracy (score-keeping)


We pride ourselves on providing a textiles workshop which is inclusive to all; a place where individuals can come and learn new skills and build on areas they wish to develop further. We support every service user to work on areas of personal interest, encouraging independent behaviours and personal development at all times. 

What you will learn

  • Basic hand stitching for sewing practices – running stitch, back stitch, cross stitch
  • Knitting, crochet and tapestry work
  • Utilising electrical machinery as part of our textiles process including sewing machines and irons
  • Creating multi-media pictures of collage and stitching, in collaboration with the art workshop 


Our calm and light-filled weaving workshop gives opportunity for individuals to work with their own loom (either situated on a table-top or floor-based). We guide them through the weaving process from choosing colours and yarn, warping, dressing, cutting and finishing to end with their own complete piece. Our products range from oven gloves to wall hangings, rugs to glasses and mobile phone cases.

What you will learn

  • Using table and/or foot looms
  • The use of colour and texture within cloth
  • The traditional and therapeutic process of weaving 
  • Finishing process to get cloth items ready for sale
Weavubg test
HW Christmas Tree 1


This workshop provides basic woodworking skills, enabling you to create a variety of products for sale or use, from bird, bat and insect boxes to wooden ornaments and chopping boards. Working together helps improve team work and camaraderie, individual hand and eye coordination, and generates confidence and pride in a finished piece.

What you will learn

  • Basic woodworking skills – sawing, sanding, drilling, hammering, painting and chiselling
  • Using electrical power tools including pillar drill and band saw
  • Simple design and construction of bird, bee and insect boxes, feeders and other items
  • Finishing products to a high standard for sale